Thursday, January 1, 2015

Good bye 2014, Hello 2015

People come and go, but whats important is that you stay true to yourself. Living in the present and looking towards the future. But still, the past is what makes us who we are now in the present. Cannot really remember much but 2014 was pretty good i guess.
  • Graduating from Poly
  • First time travelling out of Asia to UK.
  • Getting myself loads of gifts hehe ^^
  • Played my first open tennis tournament.
  • Spending crap loads on good food but it was all worth it
  • Enlisting into NS (Hmm... can be considered both good and bad i guess)
  • Most importantly, living my life the way i want to even though its still lacking that one thing. Oh well ~

I dont need much changes in 2015.
  • Just a little more money
  • Hopefully a car would be nice
  • Travel more even though i am seriously lacking the time thanks to NS
  • Hopefully find that one thing im still lacking
See! Its not a lot right? Cause most of my other wishes can be achieved by my first wish : Having more money. With that, i can live my luxurious life of good food and nice stuff. Though ive really been trying to cut down on those recently....Not on my own freewill... WHAT THE HECK CAN YOU DO WITH THAT STUPID RECRUIT PAY OF $480 SIA!! Grrrr ;<

Just want life to go smoothly without much issues. Im satisfied with my current group of friends already and just want all of them to be happy and bonded as always. Maintaining my duel life, the Atas-side and the Wild-side. Need to get my future in check soon. Gonna turn 21 this year. Need to stop relying on parents that much and have a proper goal. Last but not least, that thing im lacking, i guess when the time is right bah? 

林芯儀 - 等一個人

幸福多麼迂迴 為何沒有發現 愛就在身邊

從今之後每一天 每一月 每一年 都心甘情願

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