再也不敢期望太多。珍惜所用有的,默默地生活下去。Whats there to expect when you know everything you tried will go down the drain or worse, backfire.
Whats the point of being so nice when people just take advantage of your kindness and trample all over you?
Why do people always search for something thinkings its very far out when its right infront of you within reach?
Why do people always complain yet dont do shit to get it done? Must wait for others to do it for you ah.
Must things always be viewed so complicatedly when in actual fact its so simple?
Its a lot of questions ive been asking myself but the answers are kinda obvious eh? Cause thats us humans, how screwed up most people are. Its kinda ironic on how we always say we must do the most important things first, but what we sacrifice to achieve it is usually much more importsnt than the objective. Priorities are wrongly set.
Moving to a completely different story, people always tell me to wait. Wait for the right one to come. The past are just mistakes or to put it in a nicer way, learning points. Just be patient. You know what i wanna respond to all of those? Fuck you. Saying it is so easy but do you really understand the feeling? I know im in a position far better than some people but i just cant get this off my chest. People NEED love. Be it from parents, siblings, lover or even friends.
Tbh, i feel distant from my parents as though they are just insignificant people whom i see everyday, living under the same roof as me. Siblings? hahaha what bullshit. Friends? I dont even know who are real and would stay in your life for a long time. Im really envious of those whose friendship last more than 6years. TRUE FRIENDSHIP. Now, i feel as though im fading further and further away from even once my closest friends. Im beginning to doubt everything, everyone. There is no one i can trust, no one i can rely and no one i can call my true friend. What was once true is being broken by distance and separation.
Everytime i thought i find someone i fancy, im always wrong in the end. Either things dont work out or i somehow get in that friendzone or whatever shit. It just doesnt work for me at all eh? I dont believe in heaven, god or what, but if there is one, im seriously wondering what the hell are they planning for me. Im lost. Im aimless. I dont know where to go or what to do from this piont onwards. Just fml only!
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