Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Just a small update. I hope. Hope i dont get too carried away. Term break started 1week early for us as ae have no CTs!! Haha was happily making others jealous of us :p Well things cant always be smooth sailing, esp in year 3. We may not have CT but we have hell a lot of projects and assignments. 3 weeks of holidays is just a small time to rest abit while chionging projects and assignments due once school reopen.

Seriously the amount of work to complete is INSANE. Have to skip japan trip in july due to busy schedule... seriously no time at all :( second half of the sem is seriously going to kill me. Okay enough of work stuff.

Went out with for bromance dinner today at House of Robert Timms! Some atas place xs was working at. The food was AWESOME i swear. So was the price! Lollol :D Make use of the GSS 1-for-1 maincourse deal. Had their beer battered fish and chips. Really could taste the beer and the fish was fresh, soft and yummy :) Their crisscross fries was nice too! Traded with the rest to try a bit of theirs. All was delicious too. THERE WAS KANGAROO AND CROCODILE MEAT ON THE MENU OMG WTS CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! Must try it the next time i go! Total bill came to 50+ after the 1-for-1 so it was totally worth it! Chilled at statbucks afterwards. Time pass so fast when youre enjoying yourself!

You. Idk what to say. I dont wanna repeat the same mistakes i committed in the past. I dont want to ruin another friendship. But i have no idea what is going through your head. I dont wanna overthink and cause misunderstandings or what because of it. But the for the past few days or even weeks... im really confused. Ive done nearly as much as i would do for my gf but the thing is.. you arnt. Gah i dont know lah!! Just leave things as it is for now :/

Fineee im ending already. Just some mini stuff :
-Finally signed up for BTT which falls on the end of July. After that chiong driving already!! Woohoo!!
-Did something stupid. Smashed my phone on the ground in anger and cracked my screen. Damn.
-Going to try and jog to school tml morning and hopefully and enough time to bathe and eat before 11am briefing.
-Roger Federer lost to Tsonga in RG13 :( now im sad. Lost straight sets somemore. Nooooo my idol, my god!
-Feelings develop after sometime. But the past has made me over-cautious. Now im at lost on what to do.

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