After 4mths it's finally over. PTP and BMT is done in a blink of an eye. Looking back, those 4mths have been hell and enjoyable at the same time. The people were what helped me live through those 4mths be it good times or bad. The bond we shared from seeing each other 5days a week, from morning till night, is something that I would cherish. Kinda lazy to type out everything in details so just gonna give a shorter version.
Commanders: despite fucking us day in day out, I still love them man. They managed to get that balance between tekan and having fun, giving us one hell of a roller coaster ride through that 4mths. Gonna miss seeing them and talking cock from time to time.
Platoon mates: those guys are one fucked up bunch. The amount of nonsense and shit we do, really deserve to get punished. But when we get away with it, the entertainment level is too up there already. Just yolo and have fun only. The new addition to SAF core value : Do whatever you want, just dont get caught.
Time for my long awaited rest. 24km on 2hrs of sleep the night before is no joke. Busted my knees again, was limping through the last 6km. Damn shag also, just closed my eyes and walked. Parade after a short 3hrs nap wasn't enough to bring my energy level back. Know I dozed off and nearly fell over while standing still during the prize winners ceremony. But still, everything leading up to the moment we threw our cap was all worth it! POP LO~