Friday, February 5, 2010

Today was a sucky day...Emath first period..wasnt paying attention to 30/40 for some quiz..damn lots of careless == after tat was eng..cher let us do some 'show' supposingly so help us on ur creativity for our compo...recess..ate..went up celebrate Mr Teo's belated bdae..hahs

Late Gratz To Mr Teo=D

After tat was amath..sucky..was almost dead by den..didnt pay attention..MT next..worse..copied alot of compre ans cause nvr come..den still owe her some compo which was supposingly dec hol hwk >< onli ="="" hahs ="D">< tty ="=""><>< sleep ="X">

walk home..sianx...
very surprised! panda will know mii so well one!! cannot believe..hahs

Let the rain fall on my cheek,
Roll down my neck and wash of everything that reeks.
What it is not entertainment but peace that i seek.
Sun goes down and sky got dark,
My mood gets even fucked

Walked back home with a straw to suck,
No good luck,
As i just got punked.

Wasted my time for 2 lame girls,
And my day had just gotten worse.
I thought as i cursed,
While my panda understand my feelings as though its hers

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