Sunday, August 8, 2010
woohoo! blogs so dead! also nothing much to post lorh...olevel so close le..den prelim 2 right around the corner :( haix prelim 1 is like SO FAIL CAN!! bloody hell>< so freaking bad sia my results...all of our results..haix...everyday is juz go back anime eat study and sleep...wonder wad would i do without anime/manga man! HITMAN REBORN ROCKS!! BOTH IN ANIME AND MANGA!! Lambo owns dinosaur in anime and vongola gonna attack simon with thier new vongola gear in manga.woots!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
boring TTM sooo motivated!!! to sleep>< kns!! supa sian lorh nowadays...prelim part 2 also coming so sian...2 more weeks and ive still not studied! yay!!! hahs juz watched finish hitman reborn 192 and the latest manga of HMR is the best!! cant wait for them to fight!! rings of the sky vs rings of the earth!! Woots!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
OMG supa supa full!!!!! had buffet at sakae...eel...lobster...and more eel!! before that..had bowling at cden for like 3 hrs!! so damn cheap la...1 game onli 1$..played halfway untill thumb DAMN DAMN DAMN change from straight ball to spinning ball...after change throwing type..become my pinky wth!! from thr walked to lot1!! damn far la..on the way joke ALOT lorh..tht pg and hairy...haha..experienced some communication and understanding problems but all was fine..after all...the customer is always rite!
**AND ! my freaking middle and 4th finger like got smt got no strength from those 2 fingers..cant even scratch my itch properly
**AND ! my freaking middle and 4th finger like got smt got no strength from those 2 fingers..cant even scratch my itch properly
nothing to blog about recently...june hols a complete aim in mind despite the olvls coming...have yet to complete a single hwk and i still have plans for this ltr going bowling and eat buffet wif pg and harry...thurs gt bbq at
this is completely random but here's my Starbucks TOP 5 :) highly recommended to try too!!
1:Green Tea Latte
2:Choco Chip Cream
3:Signature Hot Choco
5:Passion Tea(dunno why after i drink it i will have mild headache><)
haha....going out ltr..need prepare and stuff..haha..i bet SEAN is very happy now...his chingching has finally returned from werribee hahaha....i SERIOUSLY wan see his fone bill man!! sms and calling guess is over 150!!
this is completely random but here's my Starbucks TOP 5 :) highly recommended to try too!!
1:Green Tea Latte
2:Choco Chip Cream
3:Signature Hot Choco
5:Passion Tea(dunno why after i drink it i will have mild headache><)
haha....going out ltr..need prepare and stuff..haha..i bet SEAN is very happy now...his chingching has finally returned from werribee hahaha....i SERIOUSLY wan see his fone bill man!! sms and calling guess is over 150!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
realli realli enjoyed my day today =D
met up wif tse at toa payoh den bused to somewhr whr lao chen picked us up >< onli me tse charmaine and duan yi was thr to help cares. today's vesak day so i doing my part in helping the community=D and getting CIP hrs>< haha
did all the admin stuff and preparation for tml...den got free GV went to J8 to watch robin hood...quite nice but they skip scenes tooooo quickly le..make the whole movie VERY confusing><
lolx tml needa get up earlier and be at ang mo kio mrt by 8.30>< WTH haha =D don mind anw since its for lao chen =D
met up wif tse at toa payoh den bused to somewhr whr lao chen picked us up >< onli me tse charmaine and duan yi was thr to help cares. today's vesak day so i doing my part in helping the community=D and getting CIP hrs>< haha
did all the admin stuff and preparation for tml...den got free GV went to J8 to watch robin hood...quite nice but they skip scenes tooooo quickly le..make the whole movie VERY confusing><
lolx tml needa get up earlier and be at ang mo kio mrt by 8.30>< WTH haha =D don mind anw since its for lao chen =D
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
thr is a god damnn limit to how much of your crap i can tolerate. every single day i cant have it peacefully at home.
1st day come back talk about my room messy
2nd day say why i so unorganised.the onli one diff from the whole family.
3rd day today i come back say how i wear my shoe untill spoil...quite ex den wear not long jiu got tear le
home is a place for me to RELAX and be at PEACE. if i have to receive this shit everytime i get home i rather not go back. i rather forfeit my meals and bed than to receive such treatment for NO APPARENT REASON. bloody hell cannot spare a tot for me is it. i wan take chi soon den u still here pissing me off..FISH
1st day come back talk about my room messy
2nd day say why i so unorganised.the onli one diff from the whole family.
3rd day today i come back say how i wear my shoe untill spoil...quite ex den wear not long jiu got tear le
home is a place for me to RELAX and be at PEACE. if i have to receive this shit everytime i get home i rather not go back. i rather forfeit my meals and bed than to receive such treatment for NO APPARENT REASON. bloody hell cannot spare a tot for me is it. i wan take chi soon den u still here pissing me off..FISH
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
today..nothing much...chem..same old played bball>< bio...first period went through some of enzymes..second period went lab cut potato..
nothing do cause got time so did this>< but dunno why inverted><
turn back a few days...went my uncle house on sat to sorta celebrate his birthday and play mahjong..but saw this damn nice view...tot i shld share =D
haha...and on monday..went plaza eat lunch wif chunming and his bro..den the rain suddenly out of no where pouring...went chunming house to 避雨 was juz an excuse to play mahjong..again =D haha..and one of the game..i got damn the start of the game..i said i will get 十三么.(yao) den realli get..muhahaha!! soooo damn happy! haha =D
ahhh i don wanna get back my papers..cause i know i sure did badly one D= ah god bless me and my marks><

nothing do cause got time so did this>< but dunno why inverted><
turn back a few days...went my uncle house on sat to sorta celebrate his birthday and play mahjong..but saw this damn nice view...tot i shld share =D

haha...and on monday..went plaza eat lunch wif chunming and his bro..den the rain suddenly out of no where pouring...went chunming house to 避雨 was juz an excuse to play mahjong..again =D haha..and one of the game..i got damn the start of the game..i said i will get 十三么.(yao) den realli get..muhahaha!! soooo damn happy! haha =D

ahhh i don wanna get back my papers..cause i know i sure did badly one D= ah god bless me and my marks><
Friday, April 30, 2010
Today we finally completed the first part of our Prelims 1 which consist of the harder papers..2 language and both humanities. Todays humanities was a killer>< For SS,chose question 2 for essay...qn2 part 1 i onli wrote 2 paragraphs which means sure death..but part 2 i wrote one full page>< ironic eh><
for geog...screwed up larh..think this is the second time lorh..for section A i did both questions accidentally..den end up crumbling one of it>< wasted half hr for nothing....the 8 marks was dammnnnnnn difficult didnt study fully :(
after geog..played bball for a while..went back with evan..met up wif him again ltr after bathing and changing..went starbucks to wait for jianhong,ryan ,jiahui and caro..didnt planned to go anywhere at juz went to ion thr...den after tat decided to watch went to cathay..but no good movie end up eating at Aston..the food was GREAT! hahs =D ltr went plaza sing...bought my toffees =D den went window shopping for a looonnnnnggggg time>< went to evan house downstairs next..about 9+ le>< ate at some mini restaurant>< the you mian SUCKS! the noodle soo hard to bite one and the soup tasteless one><
went home..wad i expected came to me but not so bad after all.. juz can sense that my mother sort of angry yet disappointed at me..but she didnt say much>< SORRI! D=
haix overall~ HAD A GREAT TIME WIF U GUYS +D
for geog...screwed up larh..think this is the second time lorh..for section A i did both questions accidentally..den end up crumbling one of it>< wasted half hr for nothing....the 8 marks was dammnnnnnn difficult didnt study fully :(
after geog..played bball for a while..went back with evan..met up wif him again ltr after bathing and changing..went starbucks to wait for jianhong,ryan ,jiahui and caro..didnt planned to go anywhere at juz went to ion thr...den after tat decided to watch went to cathay..but no good movie end up eating at Aston..the food was GREAT! hahs =D ltr went plaza sing...bought my toffees =D den went window shopping for a looonnnnnggggg time>< went to evan house downstairs next..about 9+ le>< ate at some mini restaurant>< the you mian SUCKS! the noodle soo hard to bite one and the soup tasteless one><
went home..wad i expected came to me but not so bad after all.. juz can sense that my mother sort of angry yet disappointed at me..but she didnt say much>< SORRI! D=
haix overall~ HAD A GREAT TIME WIF U GUYS +D
Friday, April 23, 2010
today was the most WHAT-THE-HELL-HAPPENED-TO-THE-WEATHER experience>< from sunny and some clouds to extreme winds and rain>< got umbrella also no use man!! wet from waist down>< and freezing my butt off while i walked hone><
soo gonna flunk my mt oral today man!! anyhow whack the answers for the conversation lorh>< den the reading i also stumble also><
soo gonna flunk my mt oral today man!! anyhow whack the answers for the conversation lorh>< den the reading i also stumble also><
Thursday, April 22, 2010
today..was not a good day..for me and for someone..dunno how to explain but its just life..full of uncertainty and misery.every step eu take could bring u joy or despair. every turn u make could make u feel completely lost and the road behind u just slams shut..thr is no way back so the onli way is to go forward. if u get lost in a cave..look for a bright means an opening to freedom. its the same as ur life..if u keep wandering in the cave not knowing where to go in the would remain as it is..if u look on the bright side of life..things could turn out muuuccchh better! its not how much u put in but how much u make of it.!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Months coming to an end and the first prelims are coming>< having studied a tini tiny bit yet>< eng and mt..cnt study much..humanities!! that a BIG BIG problem for me>< SS!! nvr pay attention in class..wan to also so darn many things to rmb>< geog..tried my best the previous time and got a B4..that means studying does work! haha gonna do better this time><''
today..after school went subway, ate with evan and cm. after tat went starbucks slack>< met jovina thr>< lol wonder if she realli so high class every time go thr study and slack one>< ltr came yf,ws and nad..followed by jt jy ans syafiq...they went library to study and do work and stuff..i was reading my percy jackson>< damn addicted to ytd..within one day i read finish lightning half way done with sea of monsters, =D
today..after school went subway, ate with evan and cm. after tat went starbucks slack>< met jovina thr>< lol wonder if she realli so high class every time go thr study and slack one>< ltr came yf,ws and nad..followed by jt jy ans syafiq...they went library to study and do work and stuff..i was reading my percy jackson>< damn addicted to ytd..within one day i read finish lightning half way done with sea of monsters, =D
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
haha blog seriously damn dead =D gonna leave it dead until i feel like blogging eng damn slack..didnt do much...was doing the 1QN hwk of amath =D tsktsk..after pe..supa slack.,.that muthafucka black dog suki came...told me jt,ben yap,jh and some others follo him..tell us wad surrender our fone...poor ryan and km..left their fone wif jh den tio confiscate..and ben!! his lg chocolate!! damn suay sia!! lucky i got passs>< den that black dog giv us the fukking grooming form..cb tai bo ji come cattch us..jia ba bo sai pang uh== bloody ass...after tat wen back played badminton awhile den go play bball wif the girls.. haha so fun =D
tall pass to tall de =DD but weisheng special case! haha =D
after school..train somemore..prepare for tml's shoot >< AND that stupid dog..say go cut hair tml he wan check..COME LA..check me la..wan check go yishun find me! dog=.=
ps: lucky today i bball nvr tio injured..heng uhh..ltr injure den tml cannot shoot properly..DIE! D-
tall pass to tall de =DD but weisheng special case! haha =D
after school..train somemore..prepare for tml's shoot >< AND that stupid dog..say go cut hair tml he wan check..COME LA..check me la..wan check go yishun find me! dog=.=
ps: lucky today i bball nvr tio injured..heng uhh..ltr injure den tml cannot shoot properly..DIE! D-
Friday, March 26, 2010
to my dear friend who is like a brother to me. i know how u feel..ive been thru it be4..sort of.. but u shouldnt be always living in the past.sometimes u gotta move of..there may a be a brighter future ahead. uve been wif her for a long time so its not as thou u don know how she is i said.. a bird isnt meant to be caged..and sometimes..the more u hold on to her the more she wants to leave u..try loosening ur grip and she might come to u automatically.. its good to let ur heart out sometimes..don keep ur emotions bottled up! like wad they say in today's talk..wear a mask..but take it off occasionally to show how u truly feel and ppl will understand u more..but fried..dont forget..u arnt the only one..theres a lot more ppl who are juz like u or even worse..and im one of them sadly to say >< everyone experiences this sooner or later..its juz up to u on how u move on from here =D... btw..guys arnt usually the one who needs to feel wanted..its the if u really wan..or for future use..giv the girl more attention and she will respond in favor..hopefully
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
uncle seet realli talk alot man! hahs but at least he improved from last time realli alot lesser.
lessons are back to 2.10 on usual days yay! but got stupid structure remedial>< sianx... still havnt complete my mt hwk and my ss essay.geog half done onli but not bad..amath havnt even touch D= after school.. went help out pt again..those sec 1 can realli giv us a bad headache. they NVR listen and even if they do, after 5 seconds they are back to square one ><
I realli don wanna cut my hair anymore man>< its like wth..wad has my hair got to do wif my study. the more u make me cut the more i hate u chers and the more i don wanna study>< don u see the link== both don benefit. let us do wad we like least one of us is happy ==
PS eh seany boy. followed u and ur girl all the way to lrt. nvr let u hanky least i nvr follow u onto the train lorh>< walked home..without the rain D=
lessons are back to 2.10 on usual days yay! but got stupid structure remedial>< sianx... still havnt complete my mt hwk and my ss essay.geog half done onli but not bad..amath havnt even touch D= after school.. went help out pt again..those sec 1 can realli giv us a bad headache. they NVR listen and even if they do, after 5 seconds they are back to square one ><
I realli don wanna cut my hair anymore man>< its like wth..wad has my hair got to do wif my study. the more u make me cut the more i hate u chers and the more i don wanna study>< don u see the link== both don benefit. let us do wad we like least one of us is happy ==
PS eh seany boy. followed u and ur girl all the way to lrt. nvr let u hanky least i nvr follow u onto the train lorh>< walked home..without the rain D=
Thursday, March 18, 2010
after that out-of-no-where torrential..the sun was up and thr a slight drizzle while i was walking home. LOVED IT! <3 the pitter-patter of rain drops on my face.the coolingness. much have i waited for a day like today =D
shot..quite well..a few outs(8) but its okay..don mind at all~ juz like the 'feel' of shooting very relaxed and stuff.. hahs..tml phy spa@@ みな、がばて
new spare fone! some disney one..damn cheap can..79 onli == haha cute also =D
shot..quite well..a few outs(8) but its okay..don mind at all~ juz like the 'feel' of shooting very relaxed and stuff.. hahs..tml phy spa@@ みな、がばて
new spare fone! some disney one..damn cheap can..79 onli == haha cute also =D
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Realli enjoyed myself ytd despite some setbacks =D haha...chionged to pri school after tat crappy cher keep holding mii back >< watched 'marley and me' den headed to taka to buy ahmas bdae present..spent 45 siol juz on royce chocos..
today..tuition like usual..was damn tired during amath...
realli dunno wads wrong sia wif eu ;( why are eu always like that..i dun even know wad i did wrong this time? haix..i give up man..kns ><
is it juz me or wad..i feel as though i dont know eu at all liao ><
today..tuition like usual..was damn tired during amath...
realli dunno wads wrong sia wif eu ;( why are eu always like that..i dun even know wad i did wrong this time? haix..i give up man..kns ><
is it juz me or wad..i feel as though i dont know eu at all liao ><
Friday, March 5, 2010
aur two fuckerss are really getting on my nerves. juz because eu got some role in shooting club doesnt mean eu can make use of it and abuse it like nothing.your nothing compared to issac,tty and sean. eu were chosen only because there was no other better candidate. eu said bec eu were in charge the shooting club is getting better. fuck yourself man. eu made a change for the better? screw eu. screw your attitude. eu said yourself that being a captain or vice captian doesnt mean having to be a role-model. den when we go say cannot. den say wad u urself show an example by not going and staying in the range. helpers should just help and not play..wad was that about role-modelling you bloody fucker. when sean was were helpers and eu also go play without permission..did we say anything? no.. wad makes eu think eu have the right to say us now eu asshole.
eu say the shooting camp was not well planned and say that there are many places to improve on: every little point can be improved on.and when those little points get improved, the difference will be alott. eu are plainly saying that eu can do better..well go ahead..its not east planning a camp by yourself wif no reference to previous camps as this is the FIRST. we also didnt get much help from our own seniors if i rmb correctly.everything was done by ourself..and when i say how about u make ur own fuckingly told me to have some of US to help you cause you cannot manage by yourself. Your words are fucking ironic and sometimes..they can realli led to you making other ppl pissed. i truly wanted to just break your nose bone today if your mom and my parents wernt on good terms.. i may not be the best senior you can ever get nor am i showing a good example..but my patience has a fucking limit that is realli low on people like you. getting trouble is like my daily life so i don give a fucking damn. worry about yourself when you piss me. fuckers
eu say the shooting camp was not well planned and say that there are many places to improve on: every little point can be improved on.and when those little points get improved, the difference will be alott. eu are plainly saying that eu can do better..well go ahead..its not east planning a camp by yourself wif no reference to previous camps as this is the FIRST. we also didnt get much help from our own seniors if i rmb correctly.everything was done by ourself..and when i say how about u make ur own fuckingly told me to have some of US to help you cause you cannot manage by yourself. Your words are fucking ironic and sometimes..they can realli led to you making other ppl pissed. i truly wanted to just break your nose bone today if your mom and my parents wernt on good terms.. i may not be the best senior you can ever get nor am i showing a good example..but my patience has a fucking limit that is realli low on people like you. getting trouble is like my daily life so i don give a fucking damn. worry about yourself when you piss me. fuckers
hmm..emath..same old boring..kept talking to jianhong instead of filing my stuff..also nvr bring my hack care..eng..went thru some oral stuffs....recess...amath..onli attended for like 15min..went through 2 questions onli be4 leaving..went safra with ALOT of ppl..slack a while,ate den played pool..tmd lost to ash twice -.- slept realli untill damn shiok today safra at the comfy chair =D hahs..grats to all who won =D wssc won the challenge shield again =D grats =DD ARM also won third..stupid sean indiv got win also.tsktsk..
got lots of work to catch up D= ahh sian!!
got lots of work to catch up D= ahh sian!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
hahs today nvr go school again..went for NTU shoot...tsktsk...not bad larh...550 with a sprain ankle and not using my own glove...went back..quite early..1 plus..den we sec 4 purposely pon MT and some of eng =D
Eng 15/30
MT 23/60*
Geog 15/25*
SS 13/25*
Chem(sub) 46/60
Bio(sub) 49/60
Phy 26.5/60
Emath 36/40
Amath 33/40
Eng 15/30
MT 23/60*
Geog 15/25*
SS 13/25*
Chem(sub) 46/60
Bio(sub) 49/60
Phy 26.5/60
Emath 36/40
Amath 33/40
Monday, March 1, 2010
Why do things always start the way u wanted..and end miserably..i juz don matter how hard i tried to always come back unconsciously..WHY!its satying stuck thr in my head not leaving..ive tried but still doesnt work..why is ppl so stress up now man..its onli the start of the year and ppl are cracking up..its no longer like the past..theres no joy in schooling anymore..its juz monotonous miserable schooling day after day..u sit down..listen to the cher talk..or ppl like me..stand for not doing hwk or smt...and sooner or later fall asleep onli to be waken up by the shouting of ur cher of ur friends care..wad has happened to life...haix..stupid sean get first for amath again == lol srprising..the norman sitting position of us 4 got the top 4 for amath this ct1..sean first..solo?!?! 2nd.. cheak3rd..nb i 4th =.=
Sunday, February 28, 2010
yes! early msg : i nvr fail amath =D sry to those that i say i will fial wif eu >< ps...dont kill mii =D so happy..tot i would realli fail lorh..didnt really study for it..hope i did well...that jolene loe don wan tell me hw much i got exactly == sian...hahs tryingg to download the lightning thief liao! weets its a happy happy dayy
Friday, February 26, 2010
fk-ing specs crack long line right down the middle..make my eye pain when i wear too long == today..nothing much..very boring de lessons...crappy MT..had to stay back awhile do some hwk tat most of the class nvr hand up be4 can go off...At least recess was fun =D played Taxas Poker..usually lose money derh ==
after mt..went home..met up wif jt..met the rest at lot 1...ppl late..wanted to watch lighting thief the end watch dear john..boring siol! can sleep one..but i keep making fun of the movie..most of the part also can link to wad we learn in sec school derh ==
after tat...played initial D for quite some owned by someone using a RX7 == i using onli basic car == tat idiot mod finish liao..crapper.. went home..wanted to make new specs but the shop close == waste time..ahh
after mt..went home..met up wif jt..met the rest at lot 1...ppl late..wanted to watch lighting thief the end watch dear john..boring siol! can sleep one..but i keep making fun of the movie..most of the part also can link to wad we learn in sec school derh ==
after tat...played initial D for quite some owned by someone using a RX7 == i using onli basic car == tat idiot mod finish liao..crapper.. went home..wanted to make new specs but the shop close == waste time..ahh
Monday, February 15, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
today was supa screwed up..went late to school was supa boring == eng had fun..loved runming's advertisement on CONDOMS.supa funny..made my day...a and e math same old lame'o.double physics almost fell asleep but didnt.WAN TO SCORE BETTER FOR PHYSICS!! NO MORE F9s FOR TEST!! I CAN DO IT!!
went range...forced aden go plaza cause he during recess say will go,after school say don waN..had to force him ==
Happy Birthday To Teh Xiu Yi and Keith(surname not too sure >< Png?)
Had fun and not so fun during taupok session..MASS TAUPOK!! and i was one of them thanks to SIAO jin teng== Injured my fucking wirst..cannot shoot den tio scolding from rahim..fuck.
txy birthday party was really screwed up..who the fuck uses cake to throw == nvr play still have to clean up.cb.
went home...bus stuck in traffic cause got another car langa the 167 IN THE MIDDLE OF THE JUNCTION! kns..pajiao bus cannot see isit.don drive la!
went home..picked up fone..bbroke the lamp above it..WAD THE FUCK IS WRONG WIF TODAY
went range...forced aden go plaza cause he during recess say will go,after school say don waN..had to force him ==
Happy Birthday To Teh Xiu Yi and Keith(surname not too sure >< Png?)
Had fun and not so fun during taupok session..MASS TAUPOK!! and i was one of them thanks to SIAO jin teng== Injured my fucking wirst..cannot shoot den tio scolding from rahim..fuck.
txy birthday party was really screwed up..who the fuck uses cake to throw == nvr play still have to clean up.cb.
went home...bus stuck in traffic cause got another car langa the 167 IN THE MIDDLE OF THE JUNCTION! kns..pajiao bus cannot see isit.don drive la!
went home..picked up fone..bbroke the lamp above it..WAD THE FUCK IS WRONG WIF TODAY
Friday, February 5, 2010
Today was a sucky day...Emath first period..wasnt paying attention to 30/40 for some quiz..damn lots of careless == after tat was eng..cher let us do some 'show' supposingly so help us on ur creativity for our compo...recess..ate..went up celebrate Mr Teo's belated bdae..hahs
Let the rain fall on my cheek,
Roll down my neck and wash of everything that reeks.
What it is not entertainment but peace that i seek.
Sun goes down and sky got dark,
My mood gets even fucked
Walked back home with a straw to suck,
No good luck,
As i just got punked.
Wasted my time for 2 lame girls,
And my day had just gotten worse.
I thought as i cursed,
While my panda understand my feelings as though its hers
Late Gratz To Mr Teo=D
After tat was amath..sucky..was almost dead by den..didnt pay attention..MT next..worse..copied alot of compre ans cause nvr come..den still owe her some compo which was supposingly dec hol hwk >< onli ="="" hahs ="D">< tty ="=""><>< sleep ="X">
walk home..sianx...
very surprised! panda will know mii so well one!! cannot believe..hahs
Let the rain fall on my cheek,
Roll down my neck and wash of everything that reeks.
What it is not entertainment but peace that i seek.
Sun goes down and sky got dark,
My mood gets even fucked
Walked back home with a straw to suck,
No good luck,
As i just got punked.
Wasted my time for 2 lame girls,
And my day had just gotten worse.
I thought as i cursed,
While my panda understand my feelings as though its hers
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thanks a lot uh! (:
You said you'r lazy and its very mafan uh, but,
You still buy for meee! :D haha!
Hmm, "Heng, my fringe didn't kana caught by teacher huh!"
Say so loud until i can hear! HAHA!
Have you ever heard of any DUCK like to "blehs" stranger want uh!? O.O
Should by Quak want right? HAHA!
And have you ever saw of any duck like to act cute want uh?
Hmm, there one duck i know, And people should know who ba(:
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

如果她没有 笑一笑,什么事情也都过不了了吗?
haha, thats lame, i know-.-
Hmm, not Li Cheng here!
Guess who i am?
Gonna post for him for a time, i guess?
He such a weirdo. yes, he is!
Do whatever i like in his blog?
Don't even care if i do anything here?
Haha! Hmm, erm... hmmmm....
Ah! seriously, don't know what post!
End here for today(:
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