Friday, October 16, 2015


It's getting boring recently. Especially with my current work type and schedule. Same Shit Different Day. And that repeats every other 2 days. Though this way, my remaining NS liability is cut by half, it's just damn boring cause of the nature of our work : security... On usual days nothing happens which is a good thing security wise, but it's freaking boring. When shit happens, it really drops like a bomb.

Bonding well with my guys, been noticing a improvement in general. Must thank my upper study for fucking up and giving me a tough time trying to bring this team tgt. Sometimes, the difference a leader and a follower is just about their way of thinking. Leader teaches, forgives, sacrifices for his guys. A follower just do as told, running on auto pilot and usually has a selfish mindset. That's what I hate the most now.. Having a selfish mindset,  caring only about yourself at the expense of others. Seriously fucked up lorh.

Off duty days are so boring when I don't go out :/ nua whole day, just play games or watch show while snacking. Want to go out enjoy but dont know who to go out with and running low on money for this mth thanks to that new savings policy I just bought. On another hand, the policy my dad got for me expired and just handed over 50k to my name :D WOOHOO. But honestly, I'm just like meh... 50k? Orh okay lorh. Don't touch it for now. Geez think I reincarnated wrongly uh. Past life too rich but now born in a middle classed life. Oh well can't complain that much cause it's a comfortable life. Occasionally luxurious but constantly comfortable.

How I wish I can go out with you more frequently instead of having this stupidly long cool down period wts. 3mths is honestly way too long considering the amt I miss you.