Havnt post for quite some time. Not bec im too busy or nothing to say, its just that there are some things i dont wanna rmb or voice it out. Things arnt the same, neither would the be the same as the past. Things changed, times changed, ive changed. That i gotta admit.. In what why ive changed? I cant describe it myself but all i know is something is slightly different!
Hmm what should i talk about first... Feelings, love life i guess! Since 90% of my being and decisions are affected by my feel and emotion. Emotional boy indeed, but wonders what others think about me cause im usually hiding it.. haha :D okay anwwwwww.. havnt been thinking about my past and the people involved for the past months? Yes its a good sign! Yet deep down, there is always this empty feeling that can never be filled. Think im really just meant to be single for life la hor, everything also nvr work out well for me :( aishh dont want say liao la. Say already become more sian and sad!
Studies... arghhh freaking burden sia! The stress and workload of year3 is seriously no joke! Plus the stupid ibsm report, i can seriously crack under the amount of stress anytime soon. The worst is the stupid integrated project, and the fkking individual proposal. Walaoo as if we dont have enough work and not stressed enough yet! Seriously cannot take it siaa. Everyday must worry about the next assignment and deadline. Freak la just give me a real job. I dont wanna study anymore, im sick and tired of this shit.
Friends? Current classmates not bad lah. All quite friendly :) can just talk without feeling that awkwardness or restriction. BUT, there is always the BUT. That fucking bitch is in my class omfg. Fucking irritating sia. Sorry im just gonna rant now. That stupid dumb bitch, dw pay attention and listen in class, always ask the tutor repeat when he/she JUST finished that sentence, always asking stupid questions and irritating the fuck out of me. Im not the only one who hates her la. Even others who nvr met her before are beginning to hate her. This kind of people should just die and i wont even give a fuck about it -.-
kay back to nice stuff... *deep breaths* went out with my ibsm clique again, haha whenever im out with this people, i always have this family feel. That warm feeling. And always have nonsense to crack me up one. Vickness, sweekun and delcynia : Masters of nonsense!
-This babi vicknes forever shooting me one siaaa. Nvr do anything also come shoot me with "no news is good news". Found out today that playing along is better than denying. Hahaha :'D forever with the spikey, kitty nonsense. Stupid 'triangle' im involved in ><
-And the best buddy ever sweekun. Want her go die so much yet dw her to die! Hahaha shared all my info with her ever since china as she was like the one i could open up and talk about anything with. Thank god i met her if not my life would honestly be so much more dull. Nonsense until no limit, lame until cannot lame anymore, shoot and bully each other yet still caring and concerning for one another ^^ Really like the sister i never knew i had until now hahaa
-Delcynia. Del ah del, really dk what to say. Another funny and nice girl lah. Can talk about stuff and also play-argue occasionally. Best thing is she can argue and WIN against VICKNES! Something i have yet to be able to do. Must level up skill first :p
Woahh i think i typed quite a fair bit already but yea almost done. Its like a mini-backup/Update of my life till now. Really really lost my feel and interest in shooting once again. Not the first time, as a matter of fact i think it happens once every 2 years! Aish really just gonna take a break from it for now and focus all on tennis. School team trials are upcoming soon and i gotta be ready by then! I want to make it to the pol-ite team!!! Ive been training so hard-ish for the past few months, time to reap my rewards.
Okay im done i think! Hahha gonna snooze already. So tired ~ kept thinking tml is sunday since there wasnt school today. But noooo its sat tml! Yayyy :D
Every notification i get, i wish it was from you. But no, i always get disappointed. No point forcing things if it wont work out right?? I really liked you... sighh oh well ~