Wheee so long nvr post already! Right now just lying on bed, thinking and msging ppl so why not just update eh? Lets see where to start on... on how awesome my phone looks now?? Orders from gmarket came in after a mth! Mercury black case and purple sticker. So basically my phone is DAMN CHIO now ^^
Kay sch work is just too damn high. Cleared eba project and just submitted eba rreport today. One burden down! Completed IL and no more lessons on thur anymore. 2 burden down! HRM discovery and share completed slides and gonna be presenting tml, 2.5 burden down!!!! Need start studying for HRM test on monday too :/ 3 days to cover 5 chapters? Lets hope for the best eh!
Kay today i say is an awesome day :) hmm to start off, this person shall henceforth be named szb for confidentiality purposes. Met szb for breakfast at bangkit before heading to her hse ~ watched shows before jy came. They started watching some horror show, Death Bell. Good thing i had to leave for sch for IL 20min into the show... scare die me. Lol! Cleared the entire IL and cabbed back to szb hse while we mahjong for quite some time. Ash was already thr haha ~ Was overall winner i guess ? ^^ not that rusty as i thought! They continued watching death bell after getting tired from MJ. Kept hugging on szb's pillow and not daring to watch cause im just plain scared i admit :/ went home and cleared all my work for this week. Means i have time to study lo! Hoho ^^
Been msging szb quite often nowadays and im happy :) im quite shocked when ash told me he just broke and jy came to ask me check on ash... gosh if you not serious then why go into the relationship??!! 5 days only lehh.. love very fun to play with meh? :/ the reason im still single is cause every love i thought i found for the past 2 years isnt really right.. its a good thing i guess? Singlehood can be enjoyable too!! Sigh missing my IS UR class too much le :/
Guess its time for me to knock out soon ~ *note to self : start training stamina like mad. Why? URun 10km + climb at end of Feb and 2XU 21km at end of March. Determined! Lets go! But for now, sleep :)